Starlight Safe House
We see so many terrible things on television news programs and films that most of us become deadened to feeling the suffering and pain of our fellow children. We detach ourselves from what we see in order to protect ourselves from suffering the emotional pain we would feel. Mostly resulting in us eventually shutting down that part of us that can feel entirely. We lose the ability to unconditionally love and care for others thus resulting on us eventually shutting down from rendering a helping hand.
Starlight Safehouse, Founded by Charity King in 2020. A young Black woman with a heart for the less fortunate, who saw the plight of orphans in the area and Cape Town as a whole and decided to do something about it by going out of her way to do her best to fend for those in need from her own pocket and those of volunteers, while awaiting sponsorship or donors for further assistance.
Starlight is about opening our hearts and minds on how best to care, love and grow our abandoned vulnerable babies, toddlers, teens, and young adults, ensuring we provide relief from that suffering wherever possible.
Disclaimer: Pictures on this website is for display purposes only. We will not be revealing the identity of our children.
What We
Stand For

Our Vision
Our Vision is the relief from suffering for those in most distress and hardship, that they may have the opportunity to develop, grow
and start the best possible life and in turn, look forward to more fulfilling and worthwhile lives.

Our Mission
Our Mission is to restore hope and provision of care, support, protection and basic needs of Orphan, Semi Orphan and Street children through shelter, food, and education. and to manage a community-based Safehouse that provides the highest standards of care and education for children.

Our Values
We Value Safe & Healthy Children, Early Childhood Development through Quality Care & Education, Respect for Different Cultures, Good Governance, Respect for our Environment and Community Engagement
Giving Back to the Community
Established in 2020, The Soup Kitchen is a resource for the homeless, elderly, lonely and vulnerable in Witsand Atlantis and Fisantkraal Durbanville.
As part of our Community initiatives Starlight runs a weekend kitchen, where all homeless, orphaned and disadvantaged indivisuals can come and have a free plate of food.
Every weekend be it on Saturday or Sunday we set up in the community and we dish out freshly cooked food to the community members.
We support the less fortunate with no discrimination of race, gender or culture.
We would love for this community initiative to grow to be an everyday reality for Starlight to give back each day and we hope with more support from sponsors and volunteers this will soon come to a beautiful reality.
For more information, contact us on soupkitchen@starlightsh.co.za

Starlight EduCare
At Starlight EduCare, our primary goal is to help children become independent and self-confident . We allow children to learn at their own pace and in ways that are best for them individually while keeping a close watch on skills that need extra focus. We help children develop good habits, positive attitudes and a strong sense of self.
Through partnerships with the community, teachers, and families, we strive to empower children to achieve their full potential.
Form more information, contact us on educare@starlightsh.co.za
